
Your account may create as many applications as you need. Each application is configured separately.

To configure an application:

  1. Visit and log in to your account.
  2. Select the application from the main dropdown or navigate to the{APPID} URL manually.
  3. Click on the Settings tab.

All configuration options (described below) can be found on this page.


Application details are kept private and for your records only. They are not publicly available nor accessible.


Your application’s name, which is displayed within the main dropdown.


Your application theme color, which only affects the dashboard’s accent color.


These options modify the runtime operations of your application.

Payload Keys

You determine the existence of the token and user keys for your success payload. These choices only affect the payload object that’s shared with the client. Put differently, if you do not wish to expose the user’s access token, then ensure the token option is not checked.

A webhook, if configured, will always receive both the token and user values, regardless of your selections.

Allowed Origins

Specify which origins (eg, or http://localhost:8080) may initiate a login request to your application. An empty list allows all origins. This is the default value.

Requests from disallowed origins will result in a 403 status code error.


When configured, every successful login dispatches a POST request with a JSON object containing the user and token values, regardless of the payload key settings.


The URL of your endpoint, which must start with http:// or https://.


A collection of custom HTTP headers to include within the POST request to your endpoint. This may be used for implementing basic authorization or verification within your server.

The Content-Type header is "application/json;charset=utf8" always.